Watch Part & Movement Cleaning with the elmasolvex SE-RM-VA

Elmasolvex® VA

Elmasolvex® VA is the technically most advanced system. This watch cleaning machine uses multi-frequency ultrasound for regular component cleaning as well as a separate frequency for very delicate parts that require special handling (e.g. reflective surfaces, very small openings).

The parts are cleaned in a chamber in which cleaning and rinsing solutions are changed automatically. Programs are configured and launched quickly and easily using a high-resolution color display. The system provides reliable default programs and an expert mode that allows watchmakers to configure and save their own tried and tested parameters.

with ultrasonic / vacuum / drying

Elmasolvex® RM

For service centres and watchmakers who prefer not to use ultrasound, Elmasolvex® RM offers established multi-chamber technology to perform both solvent-based and semi-aqueous cleaning procedures. It also provides a program for epilamizing.

no ultrasonic / only spin cleaning

Elmasolvex® SE

The ultimate iconic watch cleaning machine has been redesigned for small volumes and for items that only require manual cleaning. Not only does it contain an additional chamber (1x cleaning, 3x rinsing, 1x drying), but it also offers a sophisticated manual operating concept.

All Elmasolvex® machines come equipped with CE-compatible explosion protection and additional extraction connections to the outside or via the optional Elma filtering system.

no ultrasonic/ only spin cleaning

Elmasolvex® – Redefining the watch movement cleaning


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