Validation of Ultrasonic Cleaners

what is the meaning of ultrasonic validation ?

Validation is a process of demonstrating, through documented evidence, that a process, procedure, method, piece of equipment, or facility will consistently produce a product or result that meets predetermined specifications and quality attributes Establishing the process of fulfill for purpose.

how this can be accomplished ?

there are several methods to test ultrasonic systems, one of them is the cavimeter of Elma Schmidbauer GmbH

 the elma cavimeter is measuring the cavitation noise figure.
to get precise measuring data it is important to measure the ultrasonic cleaner when it is new.
With this measurement you got reliable data's as reference which can be used to compare all future measurements.

 according to previous studies of Elma this phenomena shows:
effect of cavitation in ultrasound


It has been generally accepted that the ultrasound-induced cavitation in the solution is the relevant phenomenon for the cleaning effect [3]. Oscillation and collapse of cavitation bubbles in the ultrasound field induce microstreaming and shock waves producing the so-called acoustic noise which can be quantified by the cavitation noise level. The observed interrelationship between the cavitation noise level and the cleaning efficiency suggests that the cavitation noise level might be an appropriate parameter to use for the validation and monitoring of ultrasound-assisted cleaning processes of medical devices.

interested in further details please visit us.


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